Friday, September 18, 2009


Hey everyone ,

if you are a photographer and have a huge desire to learn and grow with your photography, then come check out Image Explorations.

We have just launched the official 2010 IE INSTRUCTORS LIST.

If you have any questions please do message me and I will give you the 411 on all our instructors.



Wednesday, September 16, 2009

10 Things to get yourself out of a Slump !

Everyone gets into a "slump" every now in then. You know... when all your creative juices just seem to dry up and everything you shoot seems to look and feel the same old, same old.

Well here are 10 things you can do to get yourself out of that "slump".

  1. Don't touch your camera for a period of time. Then after a while pick it up. You might find yourself hungry to create.
  2. Chose 1 Prime Lens and spend a week or month just shooting everything with that lens. Or Relearn how to see by using that one prime lens, and photograph one common subject for a good month. And build yourself a good body of work.
  3. Go WIDE ! Get yourself a Wide angle lens like a 35mm or 24mm or 15mm and go out shooting with that. Might have you seeing life alot differently.
  4. Start a Project. Sometimes as photographers we are so busy doing "CLIENT" stuff that we have very little time for "ME" stuff. So plan and start a project. One that will take a good year to complete.
  5. Take a vacation. Go on a cruise and travel the world. Packages are cheap right now and usually comes with all inclusive food and lodging.
  6. Read some new and inspiring books.
  7. Read some new Photographer Blogs
  8. Move to a different country for a good while to get a change of pace and life.
  9. Got to see an EPIC MOVIE ! As you watch, observe the lighting and camera angles. Gain some ideas through it. (movies like: Last Samuri or Pride and Prejudice)
  10. Attend a PHOTOGRAPHIC Workshop. There are a ton of great workshops out there that are being taught by some truly inspiring photographers. Take some time out and sow into yourself by attending one. You will be surprised at how it may inspire you.

Happy Growing.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Ruby Lau - Crouching Tiger like !

Hey all,

So I am finally starting to get caught up on things. But I do say.... "starting to" ! But here are 2 great images from a model shoot I did with Ruby Lau.

These images were very simple to create. So if your interested here is the techy info on it and if your not interested just enjoy the images.

Techy info:

1. single mono head with white "shoot thru" umbrella
2. light was high on camera right
3. f/8 @ 1/125th (100 iso)
4. there was a silver reflector underneath her to bounce light back up to face
5. and a commercial grade fan at camera right blowing hair.
6. background was White Seamless paper, and distance was about 8 feet away from the background so the light fall off will make the white paper turn GREY !

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Furniture Fit for Photographers from IKEA

So if you have been following my Tweets, recently I have been remodeling my office space at home. One of the many things I needed was a much better shelving unit to contain my new work flow, books and general stuff.
So I went to IKEA and found this great little unit called the "Expedit - book case"

These shelves are so great because they come in this med size of 8 Cubes or a smaller size of just 4 cubes. They're deep enough to stack Cd's and DVD's and yet tall enough that you can easily fit books and magazines upright in them. The best part about them is the flexibility it gives you in designing your workflow. you can have them horizontal or vertical and they can be stack ontop of each other to build a much bigger unit.
For me I purchased 1 of the 8 cube units and then 2 of the 4 cube units and then just stacking them.

Then to top this off I purchased these handy tote boxes and the double drawer insert for the Cubes to store my archieval DVD's, client orders, and stationary stuff.
These units where easy to build, looks great and best part was it all came in under $400.00 for everything.
So if you are looking to remodel your office/workspace to improve your workflow and working atmosphere. Check this things out at IKEA.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

4 Things a photographer should wear in Asia when it Rains

I have been wanting to post this one for a very very long time. In fact this post comes with literal experience.

(edit notes: This pic of Korea is not mine. Found it on Google images. But it is exactly where I was. If you read further you will understand why it was not my image. )

I was in Korea and Singapore in April 2009 this year, a part of Asia I have never been too. Images will be coming soon. Anyhows, when I got there to my shurgrin, it was raining. Go figure.

Now I know what some of you are thinking. Asian guy from Vancouver, photographer... I should be used to the rain ? WRONG ! Because this was not just rain, it was a freakin DOWN POURING !

Lets just say that in the the first hour of my walk down this street on the right, I caved in and actually bought an umbrella !

So you can imagine from this experience I "learned somethings" !

"4 Things a Photographer should have when your in any part of the orient !"

1. Tilley Endurables
  • Completely Waterproof
  • Light weight
  • Easy maintanence
  • UV protection from heat
  • Floats on water !
  • Insurance can be purchased also incase you lose it or it is stolen on your trip in some far out place.

2. LowePro Trekker Mini AW Camera Bag

  • Waterproof and comes with a rain shell for extra protection
  • lightweight on the back and comfortable
  • carried all my gear for my whole trip: 2 bodies, long lens, med lens, wide lens, flash, cards...etc.
  • plust the bungy cords in the back I use for bungying up my a jacket for extra security as I walk around busy unknown places.

3. Taiga Fleece Jackets

  • New material makes this fleece so warm and light. Protects from harsh cutting winds and totally water proof !
  • Side note: I have a shell that goes with this jacket but because it was going to be Hot in Korea and Singapore, I didn't bring the shell.
  • But even after 4 hrs of walking in the rain, I was still completely dry !!!!!!

4. Merrill Shoes

  • This shoe is completely water proof but has a breath-able material that works with the shoe. 4 hours of walking in the rain and socks were still dry at the end.

Well have fun y'all in your travels and Be Safe !



Monday, August 17, 2009

I Think I photographed a Hollywood Actress: Do you know who "Monica Bellucci" is ?

So I confess.
I really didn't photograph the famous actress "Monica Bellucci". But I swear the minute Megan Tealebi walked into the studio, that was what I thought. I was literally so blown away by her resemblance that I even called out to her as "Monica" a couple of times.
Well, she has been so patiently waiting to see some images from our session so I thought I would get a few finally up on the blog.

Check em' out.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

When A Life Ends Too Short (In memory of Angela Fisher)

Many of you follow me on Facebook and on Twitter and saw a posting I made a while back about me "feeling quite heavy that even bubble tea can't comfort me". Thank you all so much for messaging me and checking in on me. The following is the back ground story to why I was so "heavy".


Many of you know I still work with kids. About 5 years ago I did a special Mother's Day Calendar for the parents in my child care facility. Something simple but also something I knew would make a simple calendar look stunning. My goal was to help the parents see their kids for who they really are. How their love and support has been the major influence in the development of thier child. Parents most times live their life 1 day at a time and miss out on the real growth of their child at times not any fault of theirs, because life can get busy can't it ?

One of the families that came to participate was a mother/daughter, Angela and Heather.

At that time Heather was about Grade 4 in our facility. Always had a great time with these two. Like most of the kids, I had the joy of watching them grow up before my eyes. Then about a year later Heather was old enough to move on and take care of herself. From time to time I would still bump in to Heather and see her mother Angela and chat about how they are doing.

S0 you can imagine the surprise when I was told just a short few weeks ago, that Angela had suddenly passed away.

Apparently Angela and Heather were summering up in the interior of B.C. and one afternoon Angela, while in the passenger side of the car, driving with her friend (Thankfully Heather was not in the car at that moment.) when an on coming car from the other lane swerved into their car and stuck them head on. Angela passed away immediately.

I have to confess that I sure have a soft heart for kids and when I heard this, how my heart just ached and my thoughts drifted to Heather. The sudden reality came now with Heather needing to live the rest of her grown up life without her mom .... really really hit me hard.

This sudden event in time really brought all things in a bit of perspective for me. Sometimes I think we really have hard issues in life and then something like this comes along and you realize that it really isn't all that bad.


Lesson #1

  • One of the many lessons I learned from this tragedy is just how privileged we are to capture moments in time for our clients. Moments that become both timeless and true treasures that no monetary value can ever be placed on it. Just think about it. If your house was going to burn down, what would you grab ? Or what do you treasure the most when a loved one near you passes away ?
I implore all who are photographers, take your career and passion as a professional photographer seriously with the sole desire to do the very best for your clients right at that moment. Live to tell their story.
Lesson #2

  • If you have not done a family session for your very own family in a long time, then get your ass going a get your family out n the fresh air and hire a fellow photographer to photograph your family. You will not regret it. I promise you.

Thanks for reading along with me. I know this was a long one but one worth writing.

You all truly inspire me with your friendship, love and passion to capture true memories.

With Love,


Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Coolest Wedding I have ever seen....

So who among you who shoot weddings would not have wanted this wedding to photography ?

I almost wish every client was like this .... but then how would still images ever do justice to it ?

I guess that is where the 5Dmk2 comes in handy !!!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wacom Intuos4 med Tablet Tutorials

Hey everyone,

Sorry for being MIA for a while. We just wrapped up Image Explorations 2009 ! And if you don't know what that is then follow the link and check it out and make sure you are there in 2010 !

But as for now, I just make a Intuos4 posting on our IE Blog. So if you have the tablet and are having some problems in figuring out how to set the custom settings, goto the link below and check it out. It will help you tons.

More to come with new pics and tips !


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

When you get clients who are Beautiful & Sexy but never felt that way ! (Jenn Urquhart)

Jenn, is one of my very favorite client's and now friend !
Can you believe that when she first called me and commissioned me to do a shoot with her, during the consultation Jenn actually believed that she was not all that sexy !!!! ????? LOL. I don't know about you but all I see is pure sexiness and Beauty radiating all over the place. Judge for yourselves !

Well for all you photography junkies, all of these images were shot with natural light !
Jenn had a sliding glass patio door, so that is what I used for my light source.
I used a good mix of what we would call window lighting, and flat lighting.
The very last image was created once again with an alternate lighting style. I used two 400watt/sec strobe lights from Opus lights. Only the reflector was mounted, with no diffuser. the flash was then literally aimed at her but feathered, and it was only used like a "hot light source" and not triggered as a flash.
More images to come soon on my website ! (

Enjoy !

PS. Jenn you are still my most sexiest client ! Where can I find more like you ?

Alternative Portrait Lighting

So, have you ever had a portrait session where you used your flash right on your camera and your image looked like the image on the right ?

No matter how you twisted your flash or dropped the exposure to soften it or reflect it or diffuse it, the image just didn't seem to come out the way you envisioned it or imagined it.

Images like the one on the right are all to common in the photography. With this image, I simply bounced the flash up in the ceiling to soften the light but as you can see if you look right behind Jenn, there is still a shadow and the image is not really all that pleasing to the eye.
Another problem that I had was the lay out of Jenn's apartment.
It was basically the shape of an "L" and didn't give very many options to the natural eye. This would make creating various images with different looks quite difficult.

So what would some options be ?


I usually take the time when I arrive to a clients home to have a look at where the natural light is. And if there is no available light, then I start looking for alternative lighting and how I may use it in a portrait or commercial image. (in the following post I will show you how I used the natural light I found in Jenn's home to create some beautiful images !)
In this case, Jenn's home was primarily lit with this lamp you see on her right and a few halogen's in the kitchen. The problem with the lamp though was it's height, which was about 4 to 4.5 ft high. But I think I found a solution that would make for a great image, that I think is better than just flash on camera. Coolest thing is that I pulled off quite a few different poses just from this one area alone all from posing. But we will save that discussion for another time. Have a look for yourself and let me know what you think.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Truth... It hurts sometimes

Hey everyone,

Well after all my travels, I have heard and read alot about the economy all over the place. And I have to admit, if I were to only listen to what CNN says I would be depressed too.

I think that is why I don't listen to them as much and instead go on the blog sphere to listen to other people.

Well, here is a little Video clip that should shake the "beegeebees" out of you.

If it doesn't make you wanna get your butt up and get going on your business whether it is photography or not... then maybe you should do what this guys says at the end of the Video ... LOl.

Let me know what you think.


Monday, March 23, 2009

So you think a group of 8 is tough hey, try 800 people !

This is a greeat vid from a photographer named Bert. And it is a very good snap shot at the kind of stuff most photographers have to shoot. Not always so glamourous is it ? Well here Bert has to photograph 800 people for a conference.

Have a look at it and tell me what cha think.



Friday, March 20, 2009

SuperHeroes Rise in Tough Times

Just caught this article from on how the love or fancination with "Super Heroes" is on the rise once again.

It seems in the past when times where tough because of economics, people turned to "Super Heroes" for hope and inspiration. It seems that more than 70 years ago during the depression and beginnings of World War II, that such heroes as Superman, Batman, Wonder Women and Captain America became Legends. And it seems that it is again coming back.With the Success of Batman and Ironman recently, other Hero movies have been scheduled for production such as Captain America, Avengers, and Thor.

Guest Curator Jerry Robinson was quoted as saying ... ""I think heroes are back. I think you can almost chart it. The times are not so good -- we're looking for heroes."

So here are my thoughts for the end of the week.
  1. Who are your "Heroes" right now whom are bringing you Hope and Inspiration ?
  2. How might the public looking for "heroes" translate to something special with your career or business ?

Post up your Comments. I would love to hear What you all have to say.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Diet Coke and Mentos !

Ok... just saw this on youtube and man this is hilarious. you gotta check it out !


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

NEW: Pocket Wizards New TTL Flash Triggers !

For those of you getting interested in off camera flash photography and those of you who are already doing off camera flash photography, you need to check this new product out.

This is Pocket Wizards new TTL flash Trigger. It has the ability to Hyper sync which basically means that you will be able to chose any shutter speed you want out side of your natural in camera sync speed.

And to top that, you now have the ability to trigger your off camera flashes with the tried and true pocket wizard radio wave and not just an infra-red sensor ! Makes for some pretty amazing photography in any kind of condition.

Have a look a the vid and see what you think. I know I can't wait to get my hands on a set of those !


Monday, March 09, 2009

Did you know your Canon 30D can do this !

Notte Sento (English subtitles) from napdan on Vimeo.

So... a fellow photographer I know, Bandele, posted this great video today about a short romantic movie of a girl who misses her train to Milan and is set to wait overnight in Rome until Dawn.

What blew my mind about this short story was how it was made from 4500 + photographs shot on a canon 30D ! Thats right !!!! A canon freakin 30D !!!!!!!!!!

Folks this goes to show that there really is no limit as to what we can do as photographers if only we would think "out of the box".

Have a watch and let me know what you all think.



Saturday, March 07, 2009

Vanessa Sequeira

Here are some images from a session I did with Vanessa. All these images were done in natural light with no flash or reflector. Believe it or not, the images look like we shot on a warm day but it certainly wasn't as both Vanessa and I cand testify. It was so cold, and I do mean freakin' cold that we were only able to stay outside for an hour and that was really pushing it ! What a trooper Vanessa was !

But hey we got some great images though and that I must say was worth it. Oh and check out Vanessas dress... now is that hot or what ??? Gotta love it. More images to come.



10 Things you could do better today

Chris Brogen posted this a while back. I love it. Why? Because it is short and sweet and straight to the point.

When life gets busy for us, really we have only have 2 options.

  1. Stay status quo
  2. Make changes and better our life

(more on this in my next post about HABITS)

So have a look at the list below that Chris posted. Are there at least 1 that you can focus on in the coming next moth to better your life and your busines ?



10 Things You Could Do Better Today

  1. Improve your response time to requests.
  2. Improve the brevity and simplicity of your email correspondence.
  3. Connect with five new people and seven existing colleagues or friends each day.
  4. Inspect your business process cycle from start to finish for improvements.
  5. Rethink your approach to helping others succeed.
  6. Increase the amount of times you connect others together to build new relationships.
  7. Resolve three pieces of unfinished business, no matter how painful.
  8. Live closer to your goals and your main points of focus, and less by reaction.
  9. Take time to thank the people who make your life possible.
  10. Rest and unplug.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Vegas Workshop (Part 3)

Ok.. LOL.. I promise this will be my last post on my Vegas Workshop !
What can I say... I had a blast there with all my photog friends and took some wonderful images to boot. But here are some more for ya.
Thanks so much for dropping by. Don't forget to leave a comment.


This is Tiffany. One of our many beautiful models who not only graced us with their presence but were so patient with us as we practised on them. The only Model I never had a chance to practise on surprisingly was Nancy ! So Nancy, your coming up to Vancouver so we do Vegas Part 4 !!!

[Tech info: back lit the subject in broad daylight. No flash and no reflectors]

This Wonderful couple were not even our MODELS ! LOL. What had happen was Scotty and I were talking about this concept for this shot, but at that moment all our models were occupied. So when this couple walked by I asked them if they would be willing to stop for a few moments and model for me ! Man was I blessed. ! What cha' all think ?

So I loved this concept so so much that when I saw Tiffany not doing anything I shouted out to her to come on over and I went and recreated this once again. Only this time I just could not decided which color tones I wanted to finish the image with so I did both.
Which one do you Like the Most ? Post me a comment.
[Tech info: both these 2 with Tiffany and the couple right above were created with secondary lighting. I used a 580ex flash, and the ST-E2 infra-red flash trigger to bring the flash off camera. Brynn from Vancouver held the flash on the Left hand side and the rest was just finding the right exposure to match the back ground with the subject. Also these images were takin' in broad daylight outdoors !]

This final shot of Tiffany is one of my favorites. I am such a sucker for "prayer" poses ! When we had all arrived and I saw these super cool big huge Bronze type doors, and then saw the saree that Tiff was wearing I knew I need to get a "prayer" pose.
[tech info: this was all natural light shot, and hand held.]

Vegas Workshop (Part 2)

Here are some more images from my Vegas Workshop I took this February with Scott Robert Lim. Scott by the way is our wedding instructor at Image Explorations Workshop. Unfortunately his class is already sold out, but if you want to be put on the waiting list for 2010, just contact our office at: and request to be put on the list for 2010. Just remember that a deposit must be made for spot to be held.
Enjoy Rockie

Vegas Workshop (Part 1)

I was recently in Vegas taking a workshop from famed wedding photographer Scott Robert Lim. And let me tell you, it was a blast ! Not only were we in Vegas (a place where I have never been), but I also met some of the best up and coming photographers around ! (more on them shortly) I was blessed to say the least.

Check out the follow images I made while down there. Some were from the Neon Boneyard (kind of a neon sign graveyard) and the others where made at 2 different hotels.

It was an investment that was well worth my time and money. More Images to come !

Blessings and enjoy !


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Success is linked to 10,000 hours !

One of my fav reads this winter has been this book called "Outliers" by Malcom Gladwell.
In essence, this book is about Success, and people who have become successful. But what makes this book different from all the others is how Malcom brings it down to 3 main components that all successful people have in common.

Once of the main common denominators with all successful people has been 10,000 hours.

It seems that everyone who has become successful in their craft, skill or career, has committed to over 10,000 hours in their field. In fact Malcom mentions how Bill Gates and the Beatles even invested themselves in well over 10,000 hours.

So here is the just of the story I am telling.

We often view success and failure from a view of what I did right or wrong.
What if it is merely the fact that you have not finished your 10,000 hours ?

When I think of all the successful people in the world right now, I find it hard to think that they had gotten to where they are merely by accident or because they were just so gifted. I think the fact that they invested and worked hard at their craft and skill helped in getting them there.

So as a photographer, where are you right now ?

Are you one who has finished his/her 10,000 hours and if so, are you maybe ready for a "swing change" much like Tiger Woods, and take your game to another level ?

Get this book and have a break. It will not only inspire you but give you much food for thought during this time where the economy is rough.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Hey everyone...

Sorry it has been a long time since I have posted. Things have been just crazy ! I was pretty much away for all of Feb doing shoots. Some of which I will be posting up for you to see. Also I have been trying to finish my wedding and portrait website and blog so stay tuned for that.

I just recently got back from Vegas from doing a very awesome Scott Robert Lim workshop ! Those images will be coming soon !

Anways, hope you are all doing well. Keep the Peace and Stay in touch.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Nicole DeMarinis - Second shoot !

So don't know if you remember me introducing you to my fav italian model... but here she is once again in another great shoot. Enjoy.