Wednesday, July 01, 2009

When you get clients who are Beautiful & Sexy but never felt that way ! (Jenn Urquhart)

Jenn, is one of my very favorite client's and now friend !
Can you believe that when she first called me and commissioned me to do a shoot with her, during the consultation Jenn actually believed that she was not all that sexy !!!! ????? LOL. I don't know about you but all I see is pure sexiness and Beauty radiating all over the place. Judge for yourselves !

Well for all you photography junkies, all of these images were shot with natural light !
Jenn had a sliding glass patio door, so that is what I used for my light source.
I used a good mix of what we would call window lighting, and flat lighting.
The very last image was created once again with an alternate lighting style. I used two 400watt/sec strobe lights from Opus lights. Only the reflector was mounted, with no diffuser. the flash was then literally aimed at her but feathered, and it was only used like a "hot light source" and not triggered as a flash.
More images to come soon on my website ! (

Enjoy !

PS. Jenn you are still my most sexiest client ! Where can I find more like you ?

1 comment:

shumbelina said...

beautiful! What kind of iso did you get and did you fill with flash?